Research and publishing in architecture transform ideas into culture, uncertainties into fields of experimentation, the observable into the thinkable and the invisible into a reality. New Moon is an editorial project that aims to open up collective conversations. It engages in technical, theoretical and academic explorations that promote a research-practice approach and critical thinking. It was founded in 2023 by Barrault Pressacco.  

Editorial direction : Thibaut Barrault (FR), Cyril Pressacco (FR), Ourania Vivien (FR)
Team : Helena Andersson (SWE), Jacopo Anzolin (IT), Sandra Arnaudo (FR), Sarah Bastide-Carrière (FR), Rémi Désir (FR), Bérengère Fornalczyk (FR), Pia Lepetit (FR), Heather Moss (CA), Guillaume Prevost-Bouré (FR), Tadeusz Pruszkowski (FR).

New Moon is ditributed by Les presses du réel and Idea Books.

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From practice to research. To practice again.
Practices in Research Journal #3

Practices in Research is a project of the interuniversity research group In Practice, supported by ULiège, KU Leuven and ULB. ‘In Practice’ invites practicing architects to explore the multiple ways in which architects can engage the professional practice in academic research and reciprocally. Our contribution focuses on the construction site as a catalyst for experimentation and research in architecture. It emphasizes on the importance of realizing that theory and research do not reach maturity if they are not confronted with the reality of the field and the uncertainties and questions raised during this phase.

Published by Practices in Research Journal
195 pages
French & English
ISSN : 2736-3996
Download pdf here